Week 3 of my Wellness Journey

Melissa Weinstein
2 min readMar 28, 2021

We have finally made it to week 3!

I was finally waking up at 7:40 (this is some real progress!!), This has allowed me to enjoy a longer workout and more time to read my book.

Morning Routine

At this point I was doing Yoga every morning for 30 minutes! I realized that the beginning yoga was a bit too easy so I moved to ‘Intermediate 1’. This felt like a huge win, not only could I move past Beginner but I was easily able to complete multiple of the workouts in Intermediate 1.

Diving into Nutrition

Now I have to tell you that through this process I have also been changing some other aspects of my life, my eating. I have almost never watched what I eat and overeat in literally any situation I am ever in. Sometimes I forget that I shouldn’t eat the same amount as Eyal, but the food is good so why not!! Right? Wrong.

I started seeing a nutritionist a few months back which really helped me to figure out the right eating habits for me. Now for those of you who aren’t Israeli wouldn’t know but Israelis typically eat a heavy lunch and a really light dinner. So I decided to give it a try. I switched to a high protein diet and a light dinner. A typical day would look like this:

Lunch: Chicken & Rice

Dinner: Eggs, Cottage Cheese, and a Salad

Now this may not look like enough food in a day but there’s a lot of protein here and it really kept me full! I felt so much lighter than before, I would go to sleep and almost never had an issue falling asleep, I was also much more energetic throughout the day which was a huge shift for me. I’ve always struggled with being tired and by changing my alarm in the morning and the food I’m eating I’m noticing each day I’m less and less tired.

At this point I have been doing intermittent fasting for as long as I have been waking up “early”. To recap intermittent fasting, it’s 8 hours of eating and 16 hours of fasting. It sounds scary, but has been the easiest transition I’ve made for myself and I feel the results of it. I don’t eat past 9PM which helps with my sleep also.

Coming soon… Exploring My Creative Side

Now week 4 was a real changer for me, that’s when I learned how creative I can actually be.



Melissa Weinstein

Hi I'm Mel! Take a look at The Beginning of My Journey to learn all about me and my self-improvement journey!